Monday, August 9, 2010

Iglesia Emmanuel Metodista

Sunday morning we worshiped at Emmanuel Methodist Church. It was a very short walk from where we are staying. Pastor Juan, who helped lead the youth retreat, is the pastor at Emmanuel. We also feasted at the Lord's Table. Pastor Juan invited Rev. Emily Chapman, Rev. Wilson Boots, and myself to participate in the worship service and help serve communion. What an amazing experience! The whole service was in Spanish and English. It was a moment in ministry I will never forget as we said, "The Body of Christ" or "el Cuerpo de Cristo" and "The blood of Christ" or "la sangre de Cristo." I will never forget hearing The Prayer of Thanksgiving in Spanish and praying the Lord's prayer together in both languages. It does not matter where we live on God's earth or what language we speak, we are all one in Christ Jesus. Just as we should every time we gather around the table or come to God's house in worship, we truly communed with God and one another.