Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Working at Luz De Vida

Monday we began work at Luz de Vida, which is a new church that was started by Emmanuel Iglesia Metodista. Luz de Vida is on the other side of Cochabamba in a less affluent area. They are worshiping in a house right now and building a church about three blocks away. They hope to have it built in two years. Their big worship area is a garage that was full of construction material at the moment so they are worshiping in a small living room. They have to lock up the supplies in a secure place so the back yard of the house was full of building materials as well. One of our jobs was moving the material to the job sight and a neighboring house owned by a church member. We added up the truck loads of earth that we moved from one place to another and came up with around 10 tons of earth. It was about 1/5 of a mile for one roundtrip. I will tell the story in pictures from here.

First we moved all the rocks you see here from the backyard, to the front of the house. Each rock weighed more than 5 lbs. All loads of dirt are just dropped off on the road and have to be moved where they are needed. This is a load of red clay, the rocks we moved from the backyard, and a load of pebbles. The piles look so small in this picture!! They were huge!

The rocks were very dense and some of the large ones took two to lift.

This was way more fun than passing a medicine ball in aerobics class!

This is the load after we loaded it. They say the truckload was 3,000 lbs.

They recently started a bakery out of the small kitchen in the house and it has been so successful that they have added a room to grow the ministry. The construction was completed on the room, they just needed paint and the big ovens to be moved in. This is the before picture.

Ashley was a master painter!

More to come! You won't believe the changes! Stay tuned.

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