Thursday, July 28, 2011

Traveling to South America

It takes some time and patience to get to South America. We were so excited about the trip and ready to get acquainted with our group full of new friends. We were joining Lakewood UMC from Houston, St. Paul UMC from Houston, and First UMC from La Porte, TX. We arrived at IAH airport at 7:30 am -ish for our 10:25 am flight to Miami.

Here we are in the Miami airport. We arrived and grabbed a yummy lunch and settled in for our long layover in Miami. We were scheduled to take off at 10:35pm for the long overnight flight to Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Here we are at the Santa Cruz, Bolivia airport waiting to purchase our Visas. We are all smiles because we are one step closer to Cochabamba, Bolivia!!!
Getting to know new friends in the Santa Cruz airport by playing Phase card game! Gotta make the best out of a flight delay!

After one cancellation and one delay by Aerosur airlines., we arrived in Cochabamba about 9 hrs. after we had planned. But we were still very excited!!! Here we are about to hop on the bus to the Institute Americana where we would stay for the next week.

This is how they carry our luggage in Bolivia!

Here we are all packed in this bus. The middle isle had fold down seats for added seating. There were 25 adults in the group and most of us are pictured here! We were excited about what God had in store for us, but boy were we in for a pleasant surprise. God loves to exceed our expectations!

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