Sunday, July 31, 2011

Workday #2 at Luz de Vida

We arrived back at the worksite on day 2 after a full and welcomed night of sleep. We could really tell the progress we made on day 1 and we were motivated to continue preparing for the consecration festivities! We got busy on a variety of projects.

John helps out with the ongoing masonry.

As the scaffolding comes down, we removed all the old nails.

We are beginning to see some level ground underneath all the piles of earth!

Sue and Lisa doing cleanup inside. Lisa was smart to wear a mask because it was DUSTY!

Today we moved to the other side of the house to make the ground nice and level over there. First we had to remove the posts much like Henry and Katie Fitch did on the other side of the house. Ashley begins to pick around the post.

Removing these posts was a challenging task...of which we have some funny video. It took a lot of shoving and digging and sometimes more than one person hanging their body weight on them to loosen their tight fit in the ground. We laughed really hard.

This was the hole from the very last post. The picture really doesn't do the situation justice. It was deep. We weren't sure this last post would ever come out and it became a project for Emily and the Katy/ies!

Still more to move tomorrow before the party begins tomorrow night!!

This is the sign they posted above the main street in the neighborhood. Translated: Three days of singing and reflection together with the Methodist community "Luz De Vida" (light of life) Friday, the 22nd; Saturday, the 23rd; Sunday the 24th

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