Sunday, July 21, 2013

2013 Journey to Bolivia: The partnership continues

Through all the support of our Trinity friends and family we began our 2013 journey back to Bolivia for the 4th year of partnership with the Luz de Vida Methodist Church.

We had one minor delay in Santa Cruz but we enjoyed airport food  and getting to know one another better. We listened to each other's stories and some pretty epic music videos from the 80's playing in the background. We discovered anew the beauty of the journey. 

We arrived in Cochabamba  and got our first glimpse of the Andes Mountains.

As we glanced up at the airport balcony we could see our friends from Luz de Vida with a sign and many waves. They were watching for us to come off the airplane.

After we claimed our bags they greeted us with a song and a prayer! Reunited in person,Trinity and Luz de Vida once again remember that we are one in the Spirit. We can't wait to see what God has for us!

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