Saturday, July 27, 2013

Our Last two workdays

On Thursday we moved a lot of building material away from this wall and over to an adjacent wall. First bricks, then large wood, then small wood.
Many hands make light work.
Elizabeth hauling bricks like a boss!
We moved all of this so that Adan and Franscisco could make forms for the concrete that will be the base of a privacy wall.
And this meant we got to make more concrete! Here is Thomas running the cement mixer like a pro. Elizabeth with the photo bomb.
Of course we had helpers from the church! These are 3 of Pastor Daniel's kids. 
This is Marcello, Patricia's son. He is five and was such a good helper!
We also sanded the metal gates to prep them for painting them with rustoleum.
This the rust dust from sanding was plentiful. 

Here you can see the difference!
Friday afternoon a truckload of dirt was dropped off and we spread it out to level the yard. 
We prepared the sanctuary for worship on Friday night by washing the windows and mopping the floor. 

All in all we were amazed at the progress these 6 gringos made in just 5 days of work. More posts to come...

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