Monday, July 22, 2013


On our first full day in Bolivia we practiced Sabbath with our friends. Sunday marked the anniversary of the new church, Luz de Vida Methodist Church, and they held a special service in celebration of their conception. Members of their mother church, Emmanuel Methodist, came over to join in the festivities. We were so blessed to be here for this celebration! Here are a few glimpses of our Sunday morning:
You will recognize on the altar that the center wooden cross was made by John Willman of Trinity and the glass mosaic cross laying down was made by Roy Philp Jr. We brought them as a gift two years ago when we consecrated the sanctuary and here they are under the banner reading "We are one in the Spirit." Indeed we are. Pastor Daniel preached on the lectionary gospel text, Luke 10:38-42, and we felt communion with Trinity as we knew Pastor Bob was studying the same text. 

Ruth, the lay president of Luz de Vida and Emmanuel, led the liturgy of the service. 
A central focus of the mission of Luz de Vida is to reach the children of the community. What joy it brought to us see about 50 of them in church Sunday. They gave an offering of music.
Trinity gave the youth of Emmanuel a new electric guitar for their music ministry  in honor of their anniversary. They invited Thomas (pronounced toe-moss here) to play a solo. He played amazing grace and it was amazing!

This was a local professional band whose  members are also members of the church. They are very talented and you could tell they meant what they sang! 
After church we visited the Christo of Cochabamba. This Christ figure depicts a  strong, young, prophetic savior. You can see it from anywhere in the city. It is a magnificent testament of faith.
 We also went inside the Christo and looked out onto the city. Even though we got an up close and personal view of the Christo, we are inspired every time we look out the window and see Christ, arms extended in ministry and welcome, watching over us. 

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