Monday, July 29, 2013

Que Dios le Bendiga!

Friday night we headed back over to Luz de Vida, the church where we had been working all week, because the members had planned a farewell service for us. On the way over we practiced saying, "God bless you" and "We will miss you" in Spanish.

When we arrived the chairs were on both sides of the room and this was on the floor in the middle of the room. Here you see the two crosses made by Trinity members, a Bible, some tools representing our work together, and six small crosses that we later found out were gifts to us.
At the beginning of the service, Ruth, on the right, invited Maureen to share a word about her experience this week. Jerome translated for her. She did an amazing job, especially being that she was put on the spot. She shared that although we worked very hard this week, it didn't feel like hard work because of the love and support we experienced from the community of Luz de Vida.
Wilson, the youth director, invited Pastor Katy to share a sermon about lying. This gathering was being held during their usual youth gathering and therefore they wanted a message that was in line with the topic for youth group that night. Pastor Katy invited Pastor Daniel to read the Scripture in Spanish and Lisa to read it in English.
Here is Pastor Katy preaching and Jerome translating.

Then they invited the whole group up to the front to give us gifts. First they gave us small clay crosses that depicted children all around the cross holding it up. Children are their main focus at Luz de Vida so it was a fitting message. It also communicated our teamwork in carrying the gospel message to the world. Luz de Vida sewing ministry gave us small purses that you will see around our necks and Emmanuel's sewing ministry gave us vests. We were so overwhelmed with gratitude for their generosity.
This is the cross they gave us.

The youth came up and shared a song with us as a parting gift as well. 
This band is both professional and members of the church. They were so talented and passionate about their music. We called them "Book of Days Bolivia."
This is Veronica, she approached Elizabeth on Wednesday and gave her a beautiful gift of jewelry as you see on her right wrist and finger. On Friday night Veronica came over to say hello again.
Thomas will definitely be missed! 

Elizabeth with one of the children who is sporting some therawear shirts she brought as gifts. 
The final event was dancing. Ruth announced that they would now teach us to dance. And oh, did they ever!
As we returned from the farewell gathering that night we could hardly find words to describe our experience. We all had a sense of being full, full of love and full of God's grace. One team member described it as the happiest night of their life. How very grateful we are for the privilege to partner with the Methodist Church in Cochabamba. How very honored we are to be able to witness God's work.

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