Sunday, June 8, 2014

2014 Arrival

After a long, but hitch-free journey, we arrived in Cochabamba at 8:30 am this Sunday morning. We were greeted by our friends from Cochabamba with a warm welcome, fresh flowers, hugs and prayers. The fresh flowers were picked from the garden at Luz de Vida that our team helped to plant along with folks from St. Paul UMC, Houston in 2012. What a thoughtful and meaningful gesture of hospitality!

We went directly to the home where we will be staying all week, which is the vacant parsonage of El Salvador Church. Delia and her daughters had breakfast waiting for us. There we gathered around what will be our table of fellowship for the whole week. What a blessing those mealtime talks will be as we dine on food cooked with love especially for us. 

After Breakfast we went to worship at Emmanual Methodist and received more warm welcomes as we celebrated Pentecost in fellowship with the church across the world! We were thinking and praying for our Trinity family back home, knowing they were gathered for worship too! Pastor Theresa reminded us  of the unity we have in the church as we are united for one mission by the power of the Holy Spirit. This could not be a more appropriate reminder as we gather with our brothers and sisters in Christ on another continent.

This is the praise team that led the music. You will see below, "How Great Thou Art" in Spanish.

We are so grateful to God for the community of faith at Trinity who sent us here and holds us in prayer. Please continue to pray for the team and we will pray for you! 

Katy Ware, Lisa LaFosse, Diana Seamon, Lisa Hemmings, Marian Pekar, and Sylvia Ensley

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