Friday, June 13, 2014

Day five of work

Today we finished up the last pieces of the pews, sanded the edges and  lacquered them with two coats. This was a long multi-step process.

Pastor Daniel's wife, Erika, made us some amazing lemonade with the lemons from the lemon tree in the garden. It was by far the best lemonade I have ever had! 

Lisa H. made some filler paste with sawdust and glue to fill in little crevices here and there. 

Sylvia showed the sewing ladies how to make pew cushions and they made the very first one! 

Doesn't it look great! 

As we left the construction site/church on our last day of labor we were all a bit sentimental. We will be back there Sunday for worship, but we couldn't believe how the week flew by!  We were also amazed at all the friends we made and the progress we made on their building goals for the summer. We will miss the dust and fumes and mountain scenery backdrop! 

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