Tuesday, June 10, 2014

2014 Day Two of work

On our second workday, we seemed to be getting into the routine of our schedule for the week. Our bodies are slowly adjusting to the altitude and our hearts are definitely falling in love.

Isn't the mountain scape behind the church breathtaking!!!

After completing the shelves yesterday, we bought some organizational containers and started creating a functional workspace for the sewing ladies of Luz de Vida. I wish I had a picture of the looks on the faces of the ladies from the sewing ministry when they walked in to see their new workspace. Priceless!

Lisa H. had the idea to make a panel of dowel rods to hang spools of thread. This required drilling and sawing of course. You can tell they are very excited. You will see the finished product soon! 

Lisa started sanding the spool holder.

Diana worked on a second coat of paint from our half-wall we started yesterday.

And Lisa performed the inaugural haircut on the grounds of Luz de Vida on Wilson Boots!

By the end of the day she had cut several children's hair. They all felt very guapo or bonita when Lisa finished. 

Some of the 6th graders from the school came by to meet us and practice their English. They were very good! Wilson went over the days and months and numbers with them. It was a beautiful sight!

Here are a few of the sewing ministry ladies with Sylvia and Marian.

Jerome, Amanda and Daniel worked all day on the first pew that will be our template.! It held all four of us! Yay!! Now we will start building more. 

Buenas Noches!

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