Monday, June 9, 2014

2014 Day One of work

We arrived at Luz de Vida to see so much progress that has been made since we were last here. It was also a joy to see the garden we planted in 2012 in such full bloom. The growth is evident!
Here you can see fruit on this lemon tree we planted two years ago! What a metaphor for what is happening all around it! 

We got our marching orders from Pastor Daniel and went right to work. Some of us hung shelves for the new sewing workroom which required a lot of measuring!!

Lisa H. touched up their sign so that it will be bright and clean when it is hung. 

Lisa L. went to work putting lacquer on the Chancel hanging.

She was so good that they gave her the challenge of doing the ceiling, Michaelangelo style.

Lisa H. also had to get in creative positions to do the details!

Adan busily plastered the half wall on the walkway.

The shelves are really coming along!!!

We painted the upstairs hallway with glossy paint on the bottom that can be easily wiped off when sweet children's hands give it love!

And we did it all with a big smile! It was a great day and we were all really amazed that we finished the whole list of things he gave us that morning. Many hands makes light work!

We ended the day with a special treat from our awesome cook, Delia. She made Silpancho which is a traditional Cochabamban dish. It is layered in this order from bottom to top, rice, fried potatoes, tenderized beef, fried egg, tomato and onion salad! Delicioso! We look forward to it every year!!

And when we thought it couldn't get any better, we were visited by Pastor Daniel who shared a part of his story with us. This was a special time of fellowship and celebration of the birth of Luz de Vida and his call to serve as their leader. He is so gifted and clearly called and empowered by God. We are privileged to be in partnership with him in this mission. 

We are going to bed filled with love and appreciation for what God is doing!

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