Wednesday, June 11, 2014

2014 Day three of work

This morning we began painting the first of two coatas of green paint on the gates into the church property. Last year we sanded any rust off and coated them with red rustoleum. I have to say, the green looks great! The ladies from Luz de Vida always come to join in the work! They are a lot of fun!

We had to find firm ground for our handmade ladders to stand on so that we could reach the top of the gate. Marian was a trooper!

Wilson cheered us on and held ladders when needed. 

Lisa got a chance to create a new hairstyle on a little girl named Rosemary. She had fabulous short hair.

She named it the Bolivian Stack!!

Then she topped it off with a fancy rubberband headband braid thingy. They loved it!

We had a mirror set up and it was a real source of entertainment for the children. Who would have imagined? It was also a joy to see their confidence go sky high when they saw their new hairdo in the mirror. Priceless.

Pastor Daniel is a busy man but he always makes time for the children, giving them extra attention. 

Little Daniel loved his new haircut!!!

The children loved the beanie babies we brought and were using their imagination playing with them!

We all took a break and ate some amazingly sweet tangerines! Yum.

This evening we visited the sewing ministry at Emmanual and heard some of these lady's amazing stories. Many of them are single mothers who have overcome a lot through their faith family's support. Through this sewing ministry they are able to have financial security, secure better futures for their children and give back to the church. What a beautiful picture of what church should be! Oh, and did I mention that we got to hold a bambina that is 2 months old, and a doll!

We are very blessed and thank you so much for your continued prayers.

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