Thursday, June 12, 2014

2014 Day four of work

We sanded the first finished pew so no fingers will get splintered. 

We touched up the green paint on the fence and sometimes had some shifty positions for the ladder. 

We laughed a lot during the tedium! 

The other pews needed to be completed so we got our glue and screw drivers and made an assembly line.

Patricia pretended to take a nap on it and  I hopped on it and told her we have to sit up straight, open our bibles and listen! No sleeping in the pew. We all had a good laugh! 

After all their children had a cut, the ladies of Luz de Vida had their turn this afternoon! The smiles on their faces was priceless. You could tell they felt more confident about themselves. What a gift!

On the wall you will see the final product of the spool holder we made with discarded wood and a dowl rod. By we, I mainly mean Lisa Hemmings, Lisa LaFosse and Jerome. :)

This evening we went over to Wilson and Nora's House and had a meal together. Antonio joined us and we got to catch up with him and how his life and studies are progressing. We were also celebrating Pastor Daniel completing a theological exam this morning. 

At the conclusion of the evening we all gave prayers of thanksgiving for our life and ministry together. It was a moment where all of us were keenly aware that God was right there in the middle of our circle. 

We give you thanks, God, for the privilege to serve you and know you in this way. Amen.

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