Thursday, June 19, 2014

2014 Farewell

We had a wonderful morning of worship on our final day. Pastor Katy preached, the children sang, and we had a full order of worship! 
We loved that everyone could sit in our newly built pews 

Here is a picture of our group with Pastor Daniel and his wife, Erica.

We will miss these two so much but we will hold then in our prayers.

Sweet girls, Andrea and Rosemary were sad to see us go. The feeling was mutual!

We lingered a long time just visiting and bidding farewell. 

Nora, Wilson and Antonio on our last night, wishing us farewell!

Delia and Priscilla cared for us, cooked for us, cleaned for us the whole week. We are so grateful! What servants. We will miss them and pray for them. 
We went up to the Christo that looks over Cochabamba as a way to say farewell to the city, it was a beautiful way to spend the Sabbath afternoon. This Christo is the tallest in the world and we love the way Jesus is depicted as the stong prophet and leader. 

Thank you, Jesus, for this magnificent adventure and experience of your Grace and Love. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven! Amen.

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