Thursday, July 25, 2013

Workday número tres

Wednesday we continued to make concrete for the subfloor upstairs, but we had a nice surprise as a family from the church joined us. There were three generations there to lend a hand and it was great fun working together. 
Here's a picture of us with the family and Pastor Daniel!
We helped paint the chancel side doors. Here you see Maureen and Elizabeth cheerfully painting.
Meanwhile, Lisa worked on painting the bathroom door. The slats were tricky but, thankfully, Lisa is good with the details!
Later that day we visited a coop where over 300 women from all over Bolivia are able to make a living for their family by knitting garments and blankets of 100% Alpaca wool.
We then ventured over to Emmanuel Methodist Church where they have a school for children (infant to five years old). This school was created to serve the poorest of the poor in Cochabamba. They feed them four meals a day which, for most, are the only meals they get all week. They approach education holisticly as they have a resident Dr. and Dentist. They perform regular check ups with each child. Most have severe problems such as crumbling teeth and intestinal parasites when they arrive.
Each class had made us gifts and the children bursted with pride as they presented to us these homemade treasures. Here is Lisa getting one around her neck. Their genuine hugs were the best!
We went to the Emmanuel sewing ministry to hear about their work and purchase some goods to support their ministry. They tithe 10% to their church and give 30% to the children's school at Emmanuel. They live off of the other 60%. May we learn from their discipline. 
Nora and Wilson Boots took us to their home for dinner, spoiling us with Bolivian hospitality. This is a Bolivian fruit we were introduced to for the first time, called chirimoye. 

Here you see it on top of our dessert, which was a maracuya mousse. Amazing.

All in all it was a day full of God's blessing that surprised us at every turn. Each morning we study scripture together and each night we reflect as a group on what God is doing in our midst. We find it hard to fall asleep some nights because we are so filled with joy. Thank you for your continued prayers.

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