Friday, July 29, 2011

Workday #1 at Luz de Vida

After our late arrival in Cochabamba we headed straight to our dormitory at the Institute Americana. We finally got in bed about 1 am and woke up bright and early for our first workday on Wednesday. About 8 people out of our group went over to Bethel Methodist Church to begin a 3 day VBS and the rest of us went to Luz de Vida's constructions sight.

Those of us who had been there last year were pleasantly surprised to see all the progress. This time last year there was not even a foundation for the first floor.

But as you can see, it was still very much a construction site. We had three days to turn this construction site into a party site. There was a lot of work to be done and we were up for the task!

We began by moving all the boulders to one big pile along the wall. We made assembly lines to speed the process and save our backs. The rocks were about 3-10 lbs. each. Every few minutes we would rotate the line. You should have heard the funny conversation we had about these rocks to make the effort fun!

Meanwhile, Henry, Katie Fitch, and others got busy removing these support beams that were staked into the ground about 3 feet deep. This side would be the new garden site so they had to go. Stay tuned for more updates on the garden.

A view of the building from the other side

And now to move all the small pebbles! We got very familiar with the shovels and wheelbarrows.

And also with the small metal buckets...Go Jim!

...and pick axes!

This is Chris. Roger and Chris were strangers before this trip. They both have electrical experience. When Pastor Daniel said they had some electrical work that needed to be done, Chris and Roger volunteered their electrical expertise. You won't believe what they accomplished!! This was one of the many cool things God worked out on this trip!
That was a glance of day 1, as Sue is indicating! We can't wait to show you more...stay tuned!

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